Treating Your Acne

Dealing with persistent acne can be frustrating. Acne is the most common skin condition in the U.S. and it affects people of all ages and skin types. Acne can develop on the face as well as the trunk, and presents in the form of pimples or pustules, cysts, nodules, blackheads, and whiteheads. Acne may also leave persistent pink or dark marks or scars. Many effective treatments for clearing and preventing acne are available from our Boise Dermatologist Dr. Heather Layher. Dr. Heather Layher and her team at Idaho Dermatology Mohs Collective can help formulate a personalized acne treatment regimen to help you reach your skin health goals.

Causes of Acne

A common cause of many types of acne is clogged pores. A pore is the hair follicle opening on the surface of the skin. The sebaceous glands, or oil glands, produce a natural moisturizer and lubricant called sebum that is secreted along the hair follicles and out through the pores. Sebum also helps keep pores clean by sweeping away dead skin cells, dirt, and debris from inside the follicles. Acne can form when sebum, dead skin cells, dirt, or debris gets trapped inside the hair follicle and is not pushed out through the pores. Once the pores become clogged, they can fill up with debris then rupture, which causes inflammation.

In addition to clogged pores, other factors that contribute to acne include:

  • Bacteria
  • Hormones
  • Certain types of foods (e.g., high glycemic index foods and low-fat dairy)
  • Some hair and cosmetic products
  • Certain medications
  • Poor hygiene
  • Stress

Treatments for Acne

Several highly effective options are available for treating acne and treatment is based on the specific type of acne. The goals for treating acne are both to get rid of existing acne as well as prevent new acne. Additionally, some treatments aim at decreasing pigmentation, pinkness, and scars. 

The skilled providers at our dermatology office develop acne treatment plans tailored to your individual needs to ensure the best acne treatment for you. Methods for treating acne and improving the appearance of the skin include:

Topical Acne Treatments: Topical treatments are applied directly to the skin and include creams, gels, solutions and washes containing ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, topical antibiotics, salicylic acid, or retinoids to kill bacteria, reduce oil and unplug follicles.

Oral Acne Treatments: Oral treatments work throughout the body to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria. Examples include antibiotics and isotretinoin.

Contact Our Dermatologist in Boise, ID

Our knowledgeable dermatology providers can help you find the best acne treatment for you. Schedule an appointment with our Boise, ID, dermatologist Dr. Layher and her team to start treatment for your acne by calling Idaho Dermatology Mohs Collective at (208) 600-1330.